*Update Trophy Presentation Day!

19 Oct 2017 by Broadmeadows Stars

Trophy day!
Attention parents, players and friends.
We will be having our Trophy Presentation Day on Sunday at 2pm.
We have come to the end of a great season and we would like to celebrate it with our last event for the season. We will be having our presentation day at 2pm. This will be a great opportunity to see everyone again and have a great time.
We would also like to thank everyone for all their contributions throughout the year and would like to see you all back next year.
We will also have Councillor Naim Kurt and Carly Moore there on the day to help present some awards.
We will be having the presentation at our home ground. Entry will be $10 for everyone except players and coaches. Everyone over the age of 7 will be required to pay. We will be providing kebabs and this is included in the admission fee. We look forward to seeing you all there.


Progress Reserve

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